‘He vanquished all demigods, and expelled them from heaven.’.‘The glow of colours in the paintings depicting the pharaohs, demigods and goddesses in vivid yellow ochre, blue and orange was breathtaking.’.‘Since the Big Island is the original Hawaiian homeland, it's where many of the gods, goddesses, and demigods live and are revered even today.’ If a person has good Karma throughout a lifetime, then she can expect to be 'reborn' in what is referred to as the cycle of rebirth, as either a god or demigod.‘This planet was essentially divided into separate realms, each ruled by a demigod or goddess, and the world existed in relative peace.’.‘Few of his soldiers, shared Alexander's suicidal tendencies or his conviction that a glorious Homeric death in battle would necessarily assure one's status as a demigod post-mortem.’.‘Yet there is much moral decision making in the course of the film, and how are actors to portray the moral decisions of demigods?’.‘Then she prayed to all the demigods, and they all appeared there.’.Hed felt similar when the Black Gods powers crept through him, stripping his demigod powers in preparation to give him something more. He sat as the dream faded and patted the necklace with the dangling sun-star symbol marking his demigod status. ‘They believed themselves descended from demigods whose divinity had degraded through centuries of interbreeding with lesser races.’ Talons a demigod, and he thinks he can take on Czerno.‘This demigod assisted Lord Shiva in controlling the ghosts and goblins and hence it was considered important that he be satisfied by an offering of beautiful artifacts for his temple.’.

However, it is a really good idea to commit as many synonyms as you can to memory. ‘These are conceived in terms of various spirits, ancestors, demigods, demons, and so on.’ Piper McLean is a Greek demigod, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan McLean.‘The first and most important is the belief in the absolute oneness of God, the unitary nature of the divinity that allows for no pantheon of saints, demigods or divine consorts and children.’ Demigod is the seventh studio album by Polish blackened death metal band Behemoth.The album was recorded during May and July in 2004 at the Hendrix Studios and was released on October 25, 2004.Daniel Bergstrand mixed the record at the Dug out Studios in Uppsala, Sweden during July and August in 2004.